Okay, so I tried out this “Bad Medicine” thing in Aram today, and let me tell you, it was a wild ride. I’m not even sure what I was thinking. I just saw everyone talking about this challenge and thought, why not give it a shot?

I mean, Bon Jovi? Seriously? “Bad Medicine” is a classic, don’t get me wrong. I remember listening to it back in the day, thinking it was the coolest thing. But in Aram? It’s a whole different story. I booted up the game, and straight away picked a random champion, no thinking about team compositions or anything.
So, I got in the game, and the music started blasting, I start trying to focus on the song, not my gameplay. I was running around like a headless chicken, missing skillshots, and generally making a fool of myself. My teammates were probably wondering what on earth was going on. You know, just running it down mid, feeding the enemy team, the usual stuff when you are distracted. The game didn’t last long.
The Music
- Artist: Bon Jovi.
- Album: New Jersey.
- Song: Bad Medicine.
Honestly, It’s just a fun tune, and I have no idea why it’s a challenge. “Bad Medicine” is about love, not about this crazy Aram challenge.
The whole experience was a mess, to be honest. I don’t think I’ve ever played so poorly in a game of Aram before. It was embarrassing. I definitely felt like I was some research subject for the New York Times, you know one of those cases in articles titled something like: “Bad Medicine: The Harm That Comes From Distraction.”
But hey, at least it was funny, in a self-deprecating kind of way. I did get some inspiration out of it though, got some ideas flowing, you could say. I’m not sure if I’ll try this “Bad Medicine” challenge again. Maybe I need to practice, or maybe I should just stick to playing Aram the normal way. But one thing’s for sure, it was an experience I won’t forget anytime soon. It was bad, really bad, but in the most entertaining way.

So what happened was, I lost the game, miserably. But, I did have some laughs along the way. And in the end, that’s all that matters, right? Maybe not for my teammates, though.